The Circle Line was completed BEFORE the line became a non-circle! This was the first part of our huge project and was completed on the 20th November 2009.
To view the images, hover your mouse pointer over the station name and a thumbnail will appear. To view the full size image click on the station name. You can then press ‘Esc’ to close the pop up window or click ‘close’ on the pop up.
Please note that intially, the mouse over may not start working straight away – it’s active as soon as the map get’s a thin border around it.

Awesome – congrats!!! Did you get comments from anyone? What did the staff say? Did you have to remove your hood at anytime? were you always on a lead?
Nobody seemed to be too worried. We did get a comment from the TFL operators, but a really cool one, announced over the Public Address System:
“The best announcement came from the Station CCTV room at South Kensington where, right in the middle of a regular announcement ‘the next train arriving in – ‘ …. BING BONG ” Message for Cruella-de-Ville: One of your Dalmatian puppies is loose on Platform 1″
SO that goes to prove that the CCTV people DO monitor the cameras, you have been warned.
A few other people took pictures too along the way and overall we were either accepted or ignored.”
I wasn’t on the lead for this, and apart from taking the hood down half way round for a drink I never at any point on the underground had the hood down 🙂