Party and Heros

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Nov 132011

The last few weeks have been fairly hectic for Spot, but unfortunately, not in the Spot side of life… which is why this blog post is a little delayed!

Halloween weekend saw me attending a party at a friends house, which I originally thought I wouldn’t make. Arriving early, and changing straight in to Spot mode, I became a cheeky puppy trying to steal food from the table etc. However, being connected to an E-Stim box did mean that my owner was able to keep control of me, which stopped me stealing too much!

The night did end up getting a little silly, and with various friends there, it gave me a chance to chill out… and cause mischief. When someone was trying to do some rope bondage, I cheekily stole the end of the rope they were using, much to their annoyance. *cute and innocent look* I did however, cause a bit of a problem for myself when I tried to lift Gizmo up over my head… and I broke the E-Stim Remote clip 🙁

However, at least it was a good and relaxing evening, even if I did have to leave early as I needed to be up for work the next morning.

(If you were there and can remember anything else, please feel free to comment!)

The first Sunday of the month also came and went, and this tired puppy went along – having been out the night before being physically active helping to organise a bonfire night, which Gizmo and Sam (one of our friends) came along to watch.

I don’t really remember that much of the night, as I ended up in my relaxed puppy state of mind where the only things I tend to remember are things like Chocolate Buttons. My owner, however, let me know afterwards that it was a particularly busy month, with lots of new faces around… What I do remember is having conversations with a number of friends: Sam, Gizmo, Scamp and Master Nemis. One of my other friends, zentaiskeleton, made his second trip to Heros, as well this month. I seem to remember it was a good night out, but maybe that’s because I can’t quite remember it!

It’s odd, when I was talking to a colleague about it on Monday night, they assumed that because I couldn’t remember about the evening, that I must have been drunk… but it’s not that. I had 2 pints of Strongbow during the course of the evening, so was by no means drunk – but I can just switch off and not remember anything because I’m in a pup like mind. When I’m in this mood, even a slight stroke of the ear can almost put me to sleep.

(If you were there and can remember anything else, please feel free to comment!)

This weekend marks the weekend of Erotica 2011 and I’ll be there helping out again (with thanks to Bound 4 Bondage), so if you see me wandering around – say hello. They’ve relaxed the rules on photography this year as well, so hopefully my owner will have some pictures of me there that I can share.

Oct 222011

Apologies for the delay in writing this, but my day job has had to get in the way of the post as I’ve been doing all the prep work for the lead up to a major event. *paws over eyes*

The Sunday just gone (16th October) was the Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar held in the Nightingale Club, Birmingham. My owner and I had the day free, so we thought we’d go along for a visit – not because we wanted to buy anything specifically, but more because we thought we’d meet up with some friends there.

At least the plan was to not buy anything specifically, but earlier on in the week, we’d heard some good news … Latex 101 had finished making my custom-fit, custom-designed Latex Dalmatian outfit that I’d asked them to make… but more on that shortly!

We arrived at the BBB, and just as we were walking up so I could go and get changed, we ran in to Nemis and Jools – people we usually only normally meet at Heros! After a 10 minute chat with them, I went to get changed in to Spot, and wire up the E-Stim Remote Box while my owner went off to chat to Latex 101. He was shown a picture of the suit, but wasn’t going to tell me anything about it. *Grrr*

We went up to watch the “Introduction to Rope” workshop that was being run as the demo this month, as it’s something my owner isn’t terribly good at but wants to get better at. Whilst watching the demo, a text message arrived from a friend we’d planned on meeting there; so after the demo we met up and went for a quick drink. After this, we started wandering around the stalls, talking to those that we know and looking in to things that we wanted to get.

Every so often while wandering round the stalls, I got zapped by the E-Stim Remote Box – partially due to my owner having the remote key fob and at other times when E-Stim were demo-ing their kit, as my Remote Box is paired with the demo remote. Eventually, the time came and my owner and I went down to get the new outfit (since we decided it’d be worth waiting to the end of the BBB to pick it up).

When the package was unwrapped, I have to say that I was absolutely astounded with the quality and the look of the suit, I was as close as you get to being speachless!! I had to resist the urge to not try it on right away; as the BBB probably isn’t the best place to ‘rush and try it on’. I paid Latex 101 for the Dalmatian Latex suit and got some hints and tips for putting the suit on and how to care for it, then carried on with our last bit of shopping.

As the BBB was about to close, we quickly went and bought one thing from Edgeplay. Whilst buying the item, the E-Stim stall packed up and went!! I didn’t get to say Bye to them … *Whine* … however I knew where they’d parked, and so we left the BBB (I didn’t bother to change out of Spot) and went to say ‘TTFN’ to E-Stim. It was now time to walk back to the car, said goodbye to our friend and then start the drive home. 🙁

I was feeling really quite relaxed and pup-like at this point, and didn’t really want to come home, so we stopped up somewhere near home and worked out what to do from there. In the end, it was decided that we’d go out for dinner, but I’d need to pull some domestic clothes on over Spot. After dinner, we came home and it was finally time to get to try on my Latex suit.

It felt and fitted fantastically well, but was a little difficult to get on the first time I tried. However, once it was on, I absolutely loved it and didn’t want take it off again. Even though the paws are from a different company, and look different, you wouldn’t really notice when you look at it with the suit on. The picture below is a quick snapshot from a camera phone so that I could see the effect, and also so there is a ‘taster’ of what the suit looks like. I want to get some decent pictures of the new Latex Suit, and so when those have been taken I’ll post them on my blog too.

On Wednesday, one of our friends, Gizmo was in the area for an interview, and asked if he could come round and see us – as I was free, he came round for a visit. I was completely spread out on the bed, in full sensory deprivation when Gizmo arrived (I didn’t even realise he’d arrived!), and I guess some 30 minutes later I was freed, and we had a cuppa, a chat and then I got in to the Latex suit so he could see it in person… he thought it was fantastic (or at least that’s what he said ;)) and after an hour or so, I changed back in to civvies, put my dog collar on (as I can’t wear metal in the suit) and we went out for dinner. This was a great day, being able to just relax and enjoy myself and overall, has been a welcome break from the stresses of work etc.



October 5th – My Birthday

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Oct 092011

Well, Wednesday just gone was my birthday, and I was told that before I got to my birthday that I was to transfer just over £100 to my owner, for the surprise birthday outing!!!

So on the Wednesday, a couple of bags were packed up, the vac-bed and hoover placed in the van, I was dressed in Lycra and we headed off to the Secret Dungeon in High Wycombe.

This didn’t quite go without a hitch though 🙁 *Tail between legs* … On the way to the Dungeon, we were chatting about the vac-bed and then my owner realised we may not have packed the breathing tube into the stuff we’d taken. … A quick stop and look later, we realised it’d been forgotten!!!! SO, back home we went … Gave a call to the Dungeon owners, but no answer straight away, so a message was left.

Back home, it seemed nigh on impossible to find the breathing tube!!! … Eventually, about 15 minutes later it was found, so back in the van and back to the Dungeon.

Upon arrival, the owners were very calm about our lateness, and equally they apologised about a minor problem with the dungeon, which with our visit plans, didn’t actually affect us, so we were not worried. So after a quick chat and moving the stuff in, we settled down to our 3 hour ish stay.

First thing to set up was the vac-bed, so that it was ready for later on, so to save me getting covered in talcum powder (as that’s what we use to stop the latex sticking together) I undressed, and then set up the vac-bed.

Next up was to put the ankle suspension cuffs on, where upon I was hoisted into the air upside down. Wrist/hand suspension cuffs were added and then lifted up some more, followed by sensory deprivation… A full blackout blindfold and headphones with dance type music playing.

Teasing, winding up and torment followed for an undetermined length of time … I guess I sort of zoned out and due to that I don’t ‘clock-watch’.

I was sort of disappointed but glad to be let down. Disappointed as I’d love it to go on for longer, but that said, my feet and ankles were just beginning to ache.

A quick drink to replenish fluid, and then the fun continued.

The vac-bed was dragged to a suitable location, whereby the hover could reach and equally access into the vac-bed was possible … The E-Stim small torpedo insertable now came out to play, followed by the E-Stim 2B box … this could only mean one thing … more torment!

I climbed into the vac bed, the earphones were added and the headphone wire and E-Stim wire were fed out the side zip of the vac-bed. The zip was closed, the breathing tube gag was in and I got comfy … Then the familiar feeling of the air cooling inside, followed by cool latex gently squashing you.

One thing I’ve noticed with the vac-bed, is the pressure is not intense, if feels like you should be able to move … but you can’t! … You can fidget-ish, but only to the limit of the stretch of the latex!

Anyway, now cocooned in latex, the music was introduced to my headphones, followed by a gentle, nice but unusual feeling from the insertable. I guessed that I was on the sound-to-stimulation type mode!

I have no idea to the duration, but again, the stimulation was intense! Both from inside the insertable, with full sensory deprivation. Added to all this there was the external stimulation … gentle caressing of warm hands on cool latex, vibrations that nearly sent me over the edge, gentle tapping and flogging … I was helpless, but loving every minute of it.

Apologies about the line halfway across the vac-bed, but we’d not realised that the talcum powder was going to be that visible in the picture. Also the grainy-ness is due to the picture being taken on a phone, rather than with a proper camera … sill it gives you the idea of what went on that lunchtime *wags*

Well time came to an end, a lot quicker than I had realised!!! Soon it was time to pack up, as we had other evening commitments to go to for the Birthday treats.

With everything packed back up and tidying the room, there was a random chew toy over by the bed… It seemed somewhat out of place – it wasn’t hung up, it wasn’t purposefully on a table … just on the floor, but with the tag still attached. … Well, Spot can pick out chew-toys from miles off, and curiosity soon got the better of me, and I started to fiddle with it, pick it up/put it down/pick it up … Something didn’t fit with the rest of the dungeon … Eventually, I decided that it has to have been bought specifically for me as this was my birthday, so it got put in the front of the van 🙂 *Wags*

A text to the owners of the dungeon to say we’d all finished and locked up as per instructions, and also added to the message was this random chew toy, that we’d got it as we’d assumed it was a birthday present for Spot. … a while later the text came back saying that the chew toy was for Spot *bound round excited* … *wags* … Thank you 🙂

The last part of my day out was to see the stage show of the Lion King … this to me is sort of a bus-mans holiday, as I rarely go to the theatre to watch the show … I’m a stage technician by trade, and so I spend most the time looking at the special effects, lights, sound etc etc.

A great birthday out (once my owner had calmed down about the slight morning oversight!) … Oh! and the chew toy from the dungeon, so-far had lived in the bed with Spot … being tugged on, chewed on and slept with *wags*

Bank Holiday Weekend Away

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Sep 022011

You might think a Bank Holiday weekend would provide opportunities for a kinky weekend away – and that my owner and I would jump at the chance to take advantage of this. Admittedly, we did have a weekend away, but the only jumping in our weekend away was me doing a “Walk the Plank” of a boat into a River. However, more on that later 🙂

The start of our weekend away saw us attending the Civil Partnership of two friends of ours, who have been mentioned on the blog before – Scamp and Mark. This was a very nice ceremony held down near Kew Gardens, but I was told in advance that I had to dress up smart, and couldn’t go in Spot – as tempting as it may have been. We then joined them for the photographs, but unfortunately, had to dash off after that for a 5hr drive up North.

Part of my instructions for the weekend away was that I wasn’t allowed to pack “domestic” clothes, and that all I was allowed to wear for the weekend was Lycra… and this started as soon as we found the first Service Station on the M1 – going in for a drink and a loo stop, then when back outside I changing out my trousers and shirt into some running tights and a t-shirt for the drive up. Apart from seeing some really fantastic lightning though, the drive up was fairly boring.

The Sunday morning I was wearing a sprint suit so that I could go and participate in a bizarre race. Anyone following me on Twitter (or via the box on the side of the website) would have seen my tweets about it – it’s a race that involves about 10km of running BUT also interspersed on this are obstacles – some scaffolding, cargo net, inflatable assault course, swimming, running up and down 3 large hills, crossing the VERY top of a bridge (over the structure), more swimming, kayaking, and finally the bit alluded to at the start of this blog post – walking off a plank on the side of a boat in to the river (I think it was some 8 – 10m from the plank to the water)! This race is very silly, but exceedingly good fun… and I finished it in around 61 minutes, and finished in the top 10% of results.

After this, we went back to the hotel and I got changed in to a different Lycra outfit, and we headed off to an outlet village with an Adidas shop and a few others… but on wandering around there, I didn’t really find anything that took my fancy so my wallet stayed firmly implanted in a pocket. After this, however, we headed back to the hotel and I was feeling reasonably good so as a “reward” for doing so well in the race, my owner wired me up to some E-Stim, put me in a thick Lycra sleep sack we’ve borrowed from a friend and finished it off with the muzzle, changing the feelings of the E-Stim periodically while he culled some of the photos he’d taken of the race.  Eventually, he needed my help so had to release me from the sack, and we finished off the photos and went out to meet a friend for dinner.

Monday, I again spent the entire day in Lycra but this time I had the Addidas Techfit Sprint Suit on underneath my running tights to provide me with a bit of support as my legs were letting me know they were there. We headed out up the coast a bit to try and find a nice beach where we could do some photos in a wetsuit, but with it being a bank holiday, they were all slightly busy – but it was nice to see parts of the area we’d not seen before. We arrived back at the hotel, and I changed in to a Adidas Pro Powerweb Swimming Suit under my tights for a bit to get a bit more support, and we went to explore the area around where we were staying. To be honest, it looks like Urban Regeneration gone wrong – lots of new build offices and buildings, but with nothing in them.

Both before and after dinner, I was put back in the Sleepsack again, and teased and tormented with the E-Stim box but left just on the edge of release each time… VERY wound up pup! I did eventually get the release I wanted but Hands Free (just the E-Stim box attached) when we were back at home.

It’s nice to be able to get away and spend time out and about in Lycra, and from that point of view I really enjoyed the weekend away – and the race is just as interesting as well… already looking forward to booking for next year!

Loads of pictures taken for the website’s Lycra Choices section – which should be uploaded in the next week or so.

It’s Heros on Sunday night, looking forward to seeing some of you there.


Jul 302011

It seems that a lot of my friends have birthday’s at this time of year… and that my owners forgetfulness even extends to Birthday Cards *paws over eyes* We’d bought all the birthday cards we needed, but they ended up sitting on my owners desk and we’d completely forgotten to post them off to various people!

One of our friends, Sam, organises a party every year for his birthday, and my owner and I were invited. After arranging cover at work, we set off for the night.

On arrival at the party, I set about setting up some funky lights for when it got dark and music was playing… this is much easier to do in ‘human’ form than it is in Spot mode as the latex paws make it incredibly difficult to use touchpads on laptops, as does the Zentai suit really. After that was done, I went to get changed with the help of my owner… I needed the help as I was being connected to the E-Stim remote box for the evening to keep me under control, so these need to be positioned appropriately. I then put the Zentai on, my paws and my harness and went through to relax.

As more people arrived, some food appeared and I was allowed to have some of it… with the proviso that it was eaten out of the doggy bowl. Sausage Rolls are OK doing that… but a whole chicken wing was actually quite difficult to eat as a dog would – i.e without being able to hold it. I eventually had to give in and ask my owner to hold it for me so I could eat all the chicken off it 🙁 Of course, after the Chicken etc. came the really awkward thing to eat out a dog bowl – a bowl of chilli… although this seems like it should be quite easy, it does start to make the nose tingle a little bit and seems to take a lot longer to eat than you would think.

Unfortunately, as I spent a lot of the time relaxed and in puppy mode, I don’t really remember much more of what happened in the evening, other than talking to Gizmo and playing fetch with him and his owner… OK as I’d been clipped together with him we didn’t really have much choice other than to play fetch together though! This involved running round the room chasing the new rubber (or was it leather) bone that he’d bought at Regulation during Fetish Week recently, and not tripping anyone else up… which I think we may have done … *wuffs*

The theme of eating out a doggy bowl continued as, just after midnight, Happy Birthday was played, the candles were blown out and we were all given a piece of chocolate cake. This was, of course, presented to me in my doggy bowl, from where I lapped it all up… then had my face cleaned as the chocolate had gone everywhere!

Eventually, about 2AM we all retired to ‘bed’ (or our space on the floor) and went to sleep until the next morning. When my owner presented me with a coffee, I sat up to drink it and it was pointed out to me that I’d spent all night sleeping on my chew ring and had a rather interesting pattern along the side of my face *oops* I hadn’t even noticed this, and obviously felt no discomfort from it – but I really did have some interesting markings down my cheek.

Unfortunately for me, it was agreed that Gizmo and his owner could get their own back on me using the E-Stim 2B box and some experimenting so I was duly unplugged from the remote version and plugged in to their 2B and teased and tormented with the functions on the box for about 30 minutes… OK, slightly less publicly than Gizmo was but still. Breakfast was then served… again, in my doggy bowl. Thankfully it gets cleaned out after each ‘course’ in it!

After breakfast, we had to leave as we had some domestic things we needed to do before we headed home so we started packing up and Spot had to get changed 🙁 Even though I have been known to do things in the Zentai normally, the particular task that we were doing would not have suited itself to the Zentai being on.

All in all a good and fun time was had *wags tail*

Speaking of Birthday’s my owner has made me take my birthday off work … but won’t tell me why *pouts* He won’t even give me any clues as to whether it’s domestic or kink related 🙁