Today sees the launch of a new product from E-Stim Systems… The ElectroPebble

The first new box released for a number of years, and for a small box it packs in a lot of features!
For a start, for such a small box, it comes with duel channel output of which both can be independently controlled on their levels. This gives far more possibilities than the Series 1 Power Box, which had 2 outputs but they were both run from the same power level control. The true duel channel feature gives the user the chance to explore more options, such as 2 separately controlled insertables, or an insertable and then surface electrodes … well, I won’t list all the permutations as everyone has their own preferences. Effectively you have the channel level control that is found on the more expensive Series 2B Power Box but at a price that as great for a starter kit!
Then we come to the modes – 9 of them in total!!! Again, this is a vast improvement from the Series 1 Power Box, and is getting close to what the Series 2B Power Box can offer. Mode changing is as simple as a button press – first click on the arrow up or down stops the current mode only briefly and shows what mode you are currently in … then any further repeated presses changes the mode.
Lastly as a quick summary there is the adjust knob. This does different things depending on which mode you are in – for pulse based modes it changes the speed of the pulse, and for other modes it changes the feel of the sensations – this is definitely one that should be fiddled with and you will find the right settings 😉
So what do you get?
- Depending on which variation you go for, you can get some starter electrodes:
– The plain kit comes with sticky pads
– The XPE comes with an electro egg and stickypads
– The XPF comes with the Flange insertable and sticky pads
so this makes it a great ‘intro into electro’ kit – or as simple as expanding your range of electrodes
- You get a battery, so you can play from the moment you pay for the kit (no waiting to charge it up which is a bonus) – and the battery is a readily available PP3 9V square battery; so if mid session it goes flat, just ping open the battery cover, change the battery and carry on … no need to wait AGAIN to charge it up like the competitors
- You get the cables that match the electrodes – which again means you can play from the moment of purchase, without needing to decide on what cables go with what electrodes
- You get a quick start guide and a full instruction manual to guide you through what does what
- And ALL this comes in a small plastic carry case to keep it all tidy on your travels or when at home.
So – Kit opened, box unwrapped, battery inserted … what happens?
On first glance you realise that the ElectroPebble is a compact duel channel power box in you hand, and it fits comfortably in the hand – but is just as happy sat beside you when playing in a session! Gone is the chunky square box that isn’t really the right size to hold onto!
On powering up the box the LIFELINE Mode LED’s light up sequentially to give the box a chance to reset itself – then you get a ‘bar-graph’ type of display. Now that’s the clever bit, as it gives you an indication of the status of the battery before you even consider playing 🙂 … The suggestion is anything less than about half the LED’s lit, you might want to consider changing the battery for maximum effect. But you should get quite a few hours of play from a new battery!
Now the Box will light up the mode called “Flo” (which is very similar to a Continuous output) and you’re ready to play. Connect you electrodes to where you like them, connect the cables from them to the box, and adjust the level controls. When you can comfortably feel it, then try playing with the adjust knob – this will change how you feel the sensation.
Turn the power knobs down and double tap the up arrow or down arrow to change modes … it couldn’t be simpler!
Split – One channel is continuous, the other pulses (Adjust changes the speed of the pulsing channel)
Bounce – The channel outputs flip on and off alternately (Adjust changes the flip-flop speed)
Audio – This is a far superior version of the audio mode found in the current 2B Power Box!!! (Adjust changes how sensitive the microphone is)
Milk, Squeeze, Tease and Torment – These all do as their names suggest – as a word of advice Torment is F***ing tormenting!!! [And aside from Audio Mode, these are my favourites to play with]
Pulse – this is as simple as both outputs pulse on / off together (Adjust changes the speed again)
The Power level control is smooth and consistent. This allows the user to have a very tiny almost undetectable tingle right through to the “OWW!” reaction if desired – but for many, they will probably play around the mid way level to enjoy the sensations. (I certainly do 😉 )
It has only one tiny annoyance, and that is getting the battery out when it needs replacing (already had to do that 2 times now 😉 ) – however as suggested by E-Stim Systems, by using a small item to ‘lift’ the bottom end of the battery out, it’s not as bad as it could be … The positive outcome of this ‘annoyance’ is the battery is a very snug fit and therefore doesn’t annoy you during the session by ratting 🙂
The ElectroPebble Power Box has been through extensive testing, and the end result is a wonderful addition to anyone who already enjoys ElectroSex, but is also just as at home to someone who is just starting out and this is a great kit to start with.
My summary of the ElectroPebble?
It does exactly what it should do. It’s compact, simple and easy to use (even without the instruction manual to hand!). The output control is smooth and goes from nothing to a decent strength if desired. It’s the right size to be tactile and hand held but not too small and fiddly. The features and options are vastly improved on the Series 1 and the audio mode is a vast improvement compared to the Series 2B currently.
It’s such a nice addition to the collection of kit I have, and ok it won’t replace the 2B Power Box, but the ElectroPebble certainly isn’t a box too be ignored as it will give the 2B a run for it’s money!!!
I’ve certainly enjoyed mine so far, and there will be many more sessions with it… *blushes*
Sorry no pictures as yet … but in time I’m sure it will feature 😉
Oh, and P.S. I’ve managed to get the ‘ultimate goal’ with the ElectroPebble: a wonderful Hands Free Orgasm that lasted quite a while!!! 😉 *wags*