As you’ve probably gathered by the blast… The dalmation suit arrived but the blue suit didn’t (Yet). What gets me is they both come from the same seller…. to the same dilivery address but only one in the package. I’ve contacted them to find out what’s going on and if I hear noting by Wednesday I’ll start a dispute.
Entry for 04 February 2008
I’ve got 2 more suits on order…. A dalmation one and a plain blue one….. Hopefully they will be arriving soon for some fun… Probably goning to be about 2 weeks from china though 🙁
Entry for 24 January 2008
I’ve done it…. te first time out in public in Zentai only. Getting out the car for the first time in Zentai was nervewraking but then the best bit is once you’re out and going. So stange, some people ignore and others are happy to say hello. Looking foward to the next time so much. It was strange how once I got back to the car I was so relaxzed over the whole idea that I was reluctant to put the jumper back on to drive home in. Also all the nerves had gone and I just enjoyed myself.
It’s true, once you put the head on then who’s to know who is inside and so what have you got to worry about? Nothing.
I have to be honest with all who are contemplating going out in Zentai in public, go for it. The worst that can happen is you not liking it and then all you do is put civvys back on over the top go home and enjoy the tranquility of home life in Zentai. BUT I strongly suggest that you give it a go, even if it’s only once in your intire life.
Entry for 24 January 2008
Here goes nothing, I’m going out in Zentai!!!! I’ll let you all know how it goes when I get back, hopefully with some pics taken as well.
Entry for 23 January 2008
Might be braving the public domain tommorrow (Thursday 24th Jan)…. I’m nervous, never really got any further outside in Zentai alone than the back garden! I’ve been out wearing Zentai under a tracksuit before but only to drop my other half off in the car so the public world would never have seen me in Zentai and I never wore the head that was tucked inside the suit. Only myself and my other half would have known 🙂 . Well, this will be a whole new experiance but then having said that who’s to know who is inside the Zentai apart from me? Still it will probably be good fun once I brave the opening of the car door and have got out.