
A lycra loving person, but also heavily into puppy play I'm an owned lycra puppy ... Owned and cared for by colin14092003 High Wycombe, UK · https://www.zentaispot.co.uk

Entry for 21 April 2008

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Apr 212008

Hmmmm …… I know this is not Zentai based but I thought I’d better mention it ……

I’ve been put under lock and key! I thought I had a key local/close to me but I have since found out I’m wrong…. the padlock that came with my capture has not been used but a small padlock had purchaced seperatly so as there is more than the one key that comes with the supplied padlock. I had the cage fitted when away from home and all 6 keys for me have been left up north with a friend. I have since been told I’m not to expect release from my predicament until I stop smoking!!! They are talking about a plan that gives me until the end of August to be smoke free…. then I’ve got to be smoke free for a further month before I am finally released. We’re talking 5 months of look but no touch!! I’ve not yet confirmed if this is going to happen, but they are talking about me signing a contract to this effect.

Had I known this evil plan I would have never snapped the lock shut. I was also nieve thinking a key would be brought home …… even if it was only one key! Oh well … better get used to it, been captive now for 2 days …… only 162 days to go!!!!!!!!

I now have two ‘owners’ one close to me, and a friend who is also my key holder!

I’ll keep you up to date with any changes to this predicament …… or anything that relates to my usual blog.

Actually, on that thought I’m spending the day bare foot and in a speedo hydrasuit only. Part of my new lycra / barefoot routine I’ve been given when I’m at home or if I’m out anywhere but work!! Hmmmmmmm ………. what did I let myself in for!

Thoughts on my ‘challange’ to be smoke free? Is it fair, or not…… views and oppinions?????

Entry for 09 April 2008

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Apr 092008

Sorry, I’ve been quiet recently on updating this blog.

Not been out or about in Zentai in public, but it has been worn around the home, mainly the dalmation suit who’s named Spot once suited with his normally blue coller and lead. Also various other lycra based clothes are worn eg leotards, unitards… that kinda stuff. Must get round to going out again and keep this blog going. Hope you’ll all bare with me over this lapse period.

Lets see where the spring/ summer takes me………………

Entry for 29 March 2008

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Mar 292008

Don’t think I said in blog format, but after many discussions with the seller, and opening a dispute… etc etc….. the blue suit finally arrived, on Tuesday, almost 2 months after payment!!! Still nevermind it’s arrived…. yet to go out in to public in it though.

Mar 112008
Sunday Lake Amble at Rickmansworth

Went out on Sunday and just about got away with the weather.

We went for an amble around some lakes, it was very busy and we had no bad comments against us, though the best one was from and elderly lady who said that she thought she was seeing things and she’d not yet had her brandy!

Still all good fun and am awaiting the next outing with bated breath

I’m going to have to add the pics later once I’ve righted them. (Some are portrate and some landscape and I need to turn them ” This Way UP ^ “, If you know what I mean)

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