
A lycra loving person, but also heavily into puppy play I'm an owned lycra puppy ... Owned and cared for by colin14092003 High Wycombe, UK Β· https://www.zentaispot.co.uk

BBB (Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar)

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Jan 162011

Today Spot has been out to Birmingham … To the Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar πŸ™‚ *wags*

I’ve been to the B.B.B. before, and taken part in a previous demo that was about on Animal Play, though that was mainly focussed around Pony Play, and when there it was mentioned that I ought to take part in the fashion show in January.

At that time I made no promises, as I had no idea what work situation would be like at that time, but made some form of comment that if I could be there I would be.

Well, work panned out in such a way that meant I could go *bounds round excited*.

So in advance we sent our ‘application’ to Keith (the organiser) and we got back the details of what time and where to meet etc.

So to today: Well, I arrived at 11:45 and after saying a very quick hello to a couple of people, I went and got changed and headed to the top floor of the Nightingale Club, where Keith took a register and then explained the days proceedings. After this, we were free to go wandering and then to meet back upstairs around 1pm.

I went back downstairs to meet my handler and grab a drink. During this time the person I was paired with to do the catwalk walk arrived and said her hellos and we’d catch up shortly. Equally whilst waiting Missy came over and gave a really nice back scratch *wags*. Well, the time passed quickly, so I put my paws on, hood up and went to the top floor. At this point I realised I was a touch early, so Gambit9606 kindly took my mask/hood down and then I took my paws off and headed to find a metaphorical tree.

Upon returning Keith wanted to have a quick chat, so I went over and he asked if I’d like to do a solo walk too, which I was more than happy to do (tbh, this was semi pre-arranged). So I was to come on with Mysteri for the first walk in the 5th slot, then to loop back round and come down to ‘interrupt’ proceedings after the 15 slot. Then again at about the 25th slot ish. Then to wait around for the finale.

The time came … beginners were called, and so being 5th on stage, Mysteri (BelleDameSM on I.C.) and I headed off down the long walk of stairs to the stage entrance. … Oddly I’m by no means one to be on stage, I would rather curl up in a corner than be on a stage in front of an audience … but this was different, this was Spot on stage.

Our time came, we were announced … and on we walked … I headed straight to the crowd … looking for treats, new smells, head scritches …. then a sharp tug on the lead, and I came back to Mysteri and went past the commentator. Something was said, but I’m away as Spot now, so I have no idea what … Another sharp tug and I knew my playtime was over. Back I came, and behaved. I was told to beg, so I did, both paws on Mysteri. A pat on the head and I dropped back to the floor, nuzzled in (and got too close) so got a slap across the shoulder. *whine* I cowered to the floor. Another tug on the lead and up I got, where upon we walked off stage, through the crowd and to the ‘artistes entrance’ to upstairs (or in real speak, the second fire exit to upstairs).

My real handler met me there and de hooded/masked me and we went upstairs. A quick chat then realising I’m on again shortly, hood back up and I wriggled my way through the other people back down to find my un-official slot.

This time I’m solo, the 2 models before me left stage and I bound on … This time round I’m not concentrating, I have no idea what chaos I caused, but I knew I loved it … If anyone was at the BBB and saw this part I’d love to know what it looked like, as this time I really disappeared into being a pup and being Spot and so have no recollections as to what I really did!

After being sent off stage, I head back upstairs, where I now head back down the stairs to join the finale crowd … Well the time came and all 60 ish models made their way onto stage and the thanks were all done, to the organisers, the venue, Keith, the photographer etc etc. The time had come to an end.

From here my real handler and I went to get food then off to have a chat with the stall holders and then with the shopping completed we head home. A really happy, but somewhat exhausted, hot Spot *Wags* *Curls up in bed*

Random Post

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Jan 042011

Oh, just realised I forgot to add in the Xmas posts … I stayed round at a friends for Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day she sent the Black Labrador Guide Dog that she has in to wake me up in the morning … Well, from what I got told I ended up with my arm over the dog and went back to sleep as if the Black Lab was a cuddly toy. *Wags*

For Christmas I got a chew toy, a tuggy toy and doggy wipes (Like Baby Wipes but bigger, and won’t taste nasty if you lick it… I think!).
Annie stole my tuggy toy, but I rescued it back before she got too far away from me with it.

Mum gave me a Dalmatian pyjama case … which I didn’t let go of all Christmas Day whilst at Mum’s … and when I did let go of it, they hid it from me *whines*.
What was slightly awkward was unbeknown to me, Scamp had bought the same present for me … but at least I know have twins … *wags* … Splodge and Dollop (I had to rename one of them :() … well, I realised that: Splodge, Dollop and Spot are all forms of paint. A Splodge of Paint, A Dollop of Paint and a Spot of Paint … hehe

Well, Christmas night, I stayed over there again, but this time Annie jumped in the bed with me and wedged herself between the wall and me!! Well, now I know what my owner feels like!! Not long after I got comfy, Annie had her back against the wall, and then pushed against me with her paws!!! EEEEEEEEEKKKKK, the edge of the bed fast approached. Luckily Annie’s paws don’t stretch to the edge of the bed, so I didn’t quite fall out!
Well, all night Annie and I slept together, 2 pups in the bed *wags*.
I know I’ve said it before, but I do think that the pup in me is far more than just me playing role-play … I live it and breath it and really am a pup in mind, and in body (well as best as I can be when by nature I’m a human body)

New Year & Heros

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Jan 042011

*wags* Spot had some time over the new year to be a pup (hopefully starting the year as I mean to go on πŸ™‚ ).

December 30th, due to panto leaving work, I decided to wear Spot, but due to being at work and in public, I used face paint to do the face and hair into a Dalmatian head. … Spot zentai and then the harness … At the last moment I rushed down and went up to do my work … 2 shows later, we had a Get-Out to do, so I went and took Spot off, but left the face paint on.
During the evening there was someone who decided to “woof” and I told them that’s not how to bark! … So I barked … Eek, it was noisy in the room … Still, it brought a smile to my face *wags*

New Years eve, after leaving work, my owner and I went round to a mates house for a New Years party … I was shattered from work, and my phone had packed up, so wasn’t really feeling in the mood as such, but after about half an hour or so I went and changed, harness and paws too.
Well, I know I stole the Haribo, and I know I got into one of the bags and was eating them off the floor (with added carpet fluff!)
There after I don’t really recall much until about 11:30, but that’s because I laid down on the floor by my owner and relaxed, but did not sleep. It was refreshing to just chill out with no worries in the world πŸ™‚
Chocolate mice were that evenings treats … not as nice as Giant Buttons, but still chocolate *wags*
I don’t think I was a naughty pup, though I may have been mischievous at times, although I couldn’t say what I did.
The evening came to 23:59, and the paws came off, glass of champagne to celebrate the new year in, and then I just relaxed. Not fully in pup mode, but just sat and did not a lot … It seems the first time in ages I’ve been able to do nothing!
Well, due to having to be in work on the 1st January (yup, I had to work on New Years day) I left the party ‘early’ and headed home.
A good night out, with little to say, other than I just managed to relax for the first time in ages.

One of the guests, keybuk took my picture which you can see here.

Heros on the 2nd January … well, I was in two thought to that night … It was either going to be very busy due to Monday being a Bank Holiday (and one I didn’t have to work either) so more people could attend and not worry about work the next day …. OR …. Heros was going to be very quiet since everyone had partied the night before.
On arrival (after a meal out with Scamp) We more than doubled the numbers … oh dear, it’s a quiet night … still, it didn’t dampen the mood, we had fun πŸ™‚ BUT as the night went on it did get progressively busier. I wouldn’t have said it was much busier than a normal Heros, but was a good turn out from many people.
Chocolate Muffins and Milkyway Stars were the treats for the night. However, due to Kye leaving the Milkyway Stars outside in the foyer about half way through the evening, the pups were told to ‘go find them’ … So we did, then proceeded to tip the bag out on the bar and scoff the lot *wags*
Again, another Heros that seemed to come to an end much quicker than expected (most things do when you’re having fun).

*Wags* it’s been a good New Years break and a good start to 2011, let’s hope it continues *Nuzzles to all* and hope 2011 brings you all good things too πŸ™‚

Delayed Snow Post

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Dec 262010

Well, the snow at the end of 2010 has caused much disruption to all … however that is not the reason why my post got delayed of Spots antics in the snow … this post got delayed due to having Panto in at work (and don’t start the “He’s behind you” gags … I’ve still got 8 more shows to go, and have almost learnt the entire script by heart!!!)

Anyways, back to the point: Snow late December 2010 … Well Spot didn’t play out in the snow the night it happened, due to a combination of errors; however I did end up out in the snow on the 18th December … But in a slightly different attire to the norm. I went out in a thin wetsuit sort of dive skin. However this wasn’t as warm as it could have been, so there were not many pictures taken … still, there are some below for you to have a look at.

A few days later (I think the 20th) Due to an interesting happening (blame the snow) a pup named Scamp ended up back at ours … πŸ™‚ *wags tail* which was fun, even though work meant it was a late night home, and equally an early ish start the next day … so not a lot happened apart from a long chat about putting the world to rights … however …..
The same evening, the snow was taken advantage of and I swapped out of domestic clothes and into Spot … put my latex paws on, and bounded carefully out into the snow πŸ™‚ *Whimpers* it was COLD!!! but some pictures were taken, to prove that Spot did go out into the Snow, and also how cool the paw prints were that I left as I went out *wags tail*

I know there are not as many pictures or even a video (as there was back in Febuary) however being a Theatre Technician, and at this time of year Panto is the ‘in-thing’ meaning time is scarce and so the snow couldn’t be ‘played in’ to it’s full advantage. *Ears down* … maybe next time the snow comes heavilly I’ll go out and spend more time playing in it.

*Wags and Nuzzles*

Merry Christmas

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Dec 242010

Just a quick post to wish all the readers of my blog a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I have been out playing in the snow, but unfortunately the pictures are not with me at the moment, so I’ll need to write that after Christmas.
