Sunday just gone (17th April), Spot had an outing to the Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar.
We didn’t need to buy anything specific whilst there … it was more to meet some of my owner’s friends who had not been to the BBB before.
So an early start to set off from home and we had a good drive up with no problems 🙂
On arrival at Birmingham, my owner and I went and got some money out the cash dispenser … just in case we did see something we wanted. Then a gentle wander to the Nightingale where the BBB is held. When we got there it made sense for me to go and get changed whilst we were waiting … so paid our entrance fee and I went to change. On returning, my owner’s friends had arrived so we checked the bag in and went in to look round.
We did warn the friends that we knew a few of the stall holders, so we may get delayed in chatting to them…
A while later we’d looked at most the stalls and had a chat with a fair few of them (Mainly the E-Stim lot, where we were exchanging ideas and having a chat with them since our 2B Box was with them for a firmware up-grade); It was time for the demo, so we took the friends up to where the demo was being held (which this month was called “take down bondage” … basically the art of the sort of ‘capture and evading convict type of surprise element’). This demo became hugely entertaining, since the host was very good at what he was explaining, but was either being up-staged by his assistant, or ended up falling off the stage or just ended up in fits of laughter … All started badly when he was up-staged by a bowl of sweets!!!!
To be honest the demo was great!!! Ok to be honest, not my thing, but it was well informed and definitely kept the audiences attention
After the demo, the friends decided it was time to leave, as they had to be back in London … so they left; and then my owner and I decided time for food … Well, after last months chaos in the restaurant at the club, it had been recommended that we head to the Angels for food.
My owner got his hand stamped and I … well … as long as I came back in with my owner, I was distinct enough not to need a hand stamp. The Angels is only 2 doors along, and so I wandered out fully as Spot with harness and lead on and went into what seemed quite a nice restaurant.
The food there was great and we were made to feel very welcome … quite a surprise, considering they are owned by the same parent company!
Upon returning to the BBB, we went and bought a few bits and then had another chat with the crew of E-Stim, then it was decided to make our way home before the M40 became busy (Due to the M1 still not fully reopened after the fire under J4-5).
A good day out, and somehow we did spend most of the money that we got from the cash machine … though I suppose that was on drinks and food too!!!
Well, that’s probably all the time I’ll have for Spot this month (though you never know what may happen!!) … so until the May Heros (May 1st) if not before …
*wags tail* & *nuzzles*