
A lycra loving person, but also heavily into puppy play I'm an owned lycra puppy ... Owned and cared for by colin14092003 High Wycombe, UK · https://www.zentaispot.co.uk

May Heros

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May 052011

Well, both Bank Holiday weekends came and went… and Spot didn’t really get the chance to have much of a holiday due to various things having to be done or just normal domestic events taking precedence.

However, these events wouldn’t get in the way of Spot attending Heros *wuff* so we duly set off bound for London and the Backstreet Club. With it being a Bank Holiday weekend, this can mean one of two things – Heros will either be very busy or very quiet. As it turned out, Heros was actually relatively busy, with a few people there that this pup didn’t recognise. However, some of our friends were there so we had a good chance to talk to them about various things, and generally catch up.

One thing that this pup got up to involved snitching an E-Stim remote that was left on the bar… the other end was attached to Jools, one of our friends – so pup had a fun time pressing buttons as pups do *innocent look* Unfortunately, though, Nemis made me give it back and I wasn’t allowed to bury it.

This pup didn’t really get up to much else, other than chilling out in Lycra much as anyone would do down at their local pub (well, apart from the Lycra!) which was a welcome break from the normality of daily life.

Unfortunately, May is quite a busy month for my owner and I, so we won’t be paying a visit to Birmingham for the BBB this month, nor do we think we’re going to have time for much else!

Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar

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Apr 192011

Sunday just gone (17th April), Spot had an outing to the Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar.

We didn’t need to buy anything specific whilst there … it was more to meet some of my owner’s friends who had not been to the BBB before.

So an early start to set off from home and we had a good drive up with no problems 🙂

On arrival at Birmingham, my owner and I went and got some money out the cash dispenser … just in case we did see something we wanted. Then a gentle wander to the Nightingale where the BBB is held. When we got there it made sense for me to go and get changed whilst we were waiting … so paid our entrance fee and I went to change. On returning, my owner’s friends had arrived so we checked the bag in and went in to look round.

We did warn the friends that we knew a few of the stall holders, so we may get delayed in chatting to them…

A while later we’d looked at most the stalls and had a chat with a fair few of them (Mainly the E-Stim lot, where we were exchanging ideas and having a chat with them since our 2B Box was with them for a firmware up-grade); It was time for the demo, so we took the friends up to where the demo was being held (which this month was called “take down bondage” … basically the art of the sort of ‘capture and evading convict type of surprise element’). This demo became hugely entertaining, since the host was very good at what he was explaining, but was either being up-staged by his assistant, or ended up falling off the stage or just ended up in fits of laughter … All started badly when he was up-staged by a bowl of sweets!!!!

To be honest the demo was great!!! Ok to be honest, not my thing, but it was well informed and definitely kept the audiences attention

After the demo, the friends decided it was time to leave, as they had to be back in London … so they left; and then my owner and I decided time for food … Well, after last months chaos in the restaurant at the club, it had been recommended that we head to the Angels for food.

My owner got his hand stamped and I … well … as long as I came back in with my owner, I was distinct enough not to need a hand stamp. The Angels is only 2 doors along, and so I wandered out fully as Spot with harness and lead on and went into what seemed quite a nice restaurant.

The food there was great and we were made to feel very welcome … quite a surprise, considering they are owned by the same parent company!

Upon returning to the BBB, we went and bought a few bits and then had another chat with the crew of E-Stim, then it was decided to make our way home before the M40 became busy (Due to the M1 still not fully reopened after the fire under J4-5).

A good day out, and somehow we did spend most of the money that we got from the cash machine … though I suppose that was on drinks and food too!!!

Well, that’s probably all the time I’ll have for Spot this month (though you never know what may happen!!) … so until the May Heros (May 1st) if not before …
*wags tail* & *nuzzles*

Morph Meet in Hyde Park 9th April 2011

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Apr 092011

Well, Spot made an outing to Hyde Park in London today to join up with the Morph Meet organised through Facebook.

Before anyone comments on the differences between Morphsuits and Zentai, I know them and I have my feelings too … and this is not a place to air those concerns … so please don’t …

This is going to be a little out of order to the days events, but hopefully makes sense.

Due to it being a nice day and I was not doing anything else specific today I decided to go along and join the Morph Meet. However, whilst stood waiting on the tube to go into London I read their ‘plan’ for the event and decided I wouldn’t directly participate as I’m not really a fan of conga and limbo etc … that said, I was welcomed by the Morphers once I’d got changed.

So … on arrival at Hyde Park, a few minutes later than planned (my fault for not waking up this morning), I stood and watched the organised chaos for a while … and also stood chatting to Rover the pup and associates and Toby the pup. Eventually the courage in me took over and I went and changed … during some point just after the Morphers had played “Hide and Seek – ish”

I went and got changed and came back to Toby etc with my Dalmatian Zentai on and Harness and Lead, where upon I dropped to all 4’s – since that’s how pups should be *wags*.

Shortly after the Morphers came back from a gathering near some roller-skaters and they caught sight of me … well, I have to say I was a bit nervous, since I was not sure how they may react and also I hadn’t joined in from the start. Luckily they thought I was great and wanted pictures of which I had no problems with *wuff*.

The Morphers then went off for a group meet up and group photos, whereupon I stayed back and just soaked up the sun.

After the Morphers had done their thanks to those that organised the event and had their group photos they all started to disperse … well, not quite … they joined in with some dancers on the band-stand for one dance. After that a few of the Mophers wanted a pic with me over with them, so I bounded off towards them, but my lead was ‘clipped’ to the bench, which took me by surprise, since the screwed down bench with 3 or 4 people sat on it didn’t move!!!!! I came to an abrupt stop!!! My lead was released and I went and joined the photo shoot to lots of ear scritches and “good dog” etc *wags*. There after the crowed of Morphers went on their way … anyways …

Once the bulk of the crowd had gone, a photographer came over and asked if it was ok to take some pics. As you’ve guessed, I said “No problems” and so he set up a pose and took a few pics. Afterwards he mentioned that he’d a friend/colleague(?) who had used some pictures of me from the British Museum and a picture of the tube and had entered them into an exhibition …. so we swapped details and have sent an email for more info …. so watch this space, I may be used in a Photographic Exhibition 🙂 *wags* *bounds round excitable*

A few pics of Spot out in the sun at Hyde Park:

For more generic pictures of the Morph Meet, please check out Morph Meet – Hyde Park, London (9th April) on a sister site we’re setting up specifically for Zentai in Public, in addition to this site which is about me and my pup and kink life.

BBB Fashion Show – Pics 2

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Mar 222011

With Kind Permission from Mysteri, 2 more pictures from the Fashion Show.

MysTeri was my handler during the fashion show at the Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar, so the first time around on the stage she took my lead and made sure I didn’t get up to anything naughty …

However the second time round …. Well, the pictures are found elsewhere on my blog under the heading: BBB Fashion Show Pictures