
A lycra loving person, but also heavily into puppy play I'm an owned lycra puppy ... Owned and cared for by colin14092003 High Wycombe, UK · https://www.zentaispot.co.uk

6th May 2012 – Heros

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May 122012

This month’s Heros was followed by a Bank Holiday Monday, and therefor I expected it to be slightly busier than usual… but it didn’t actually appear to be that much busier. There were quite a few new faces there though, but not as many regular ones 🙂

Due to various things, my owner and I turned up slightly later than intended, and had to get completely changed upon arrival. After getting myself dressed (and all my puppy stuff on), we went through to get a drink and found quite a few people already there. We were met on arrival by Scamp and Mark who made my eyes light up as they were carrying cakes and cookies *puppy eyes*.

Most of the night was spent relaxing and talking to Scamp on the floor… but I did get a chance to be mischievous by getting in a spate of untying shoe laces from someone that was in mitts and clipped together so he couldn’t do anything.

Scamp was nice and let me have a couple of the cookies he’d made, which meant that I was happy… and between us, we also consumed most of a bag of minstrels, and I had a few bonios too 😀 It’s strange, people see my owner opening a branded Bonios box afresh, they still ask if they are genuine dog biscuits!

I can tell it was a relaxing night, because it came to 10pm a lot quicker than I was expecting, and soon it was time to go home again. I made the decision to change out of the Zentai rather than travelling home in it, as plans for the journey home weren’t confirmed.

A couple of other bits of news from recently….

Hopefully, after months of trying to do it, my owner and I will retake all the photos of Lycra that I have for my website to bring that section up to date, and make all the pictures consistent. This is mainly because we’ve recently bought some Studio Lighting kit which we want to get a chance to use.

Additionally, and hopefully in time for London Pride in July, I should have received my Latex Dalmatian Hood to match my paws which I’ve ordered. *wags tail* *sits by letter box waiting on delivery*

April BBB

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Apr 222012

There’s not been very much time for Spot time this month unfortunately, due to various work commitments on both the part of myself and my owner, however, we did make the trip up to Birmingham last Sunday (15th) for the BBB.

We didn’t really have particular reason to go, as we weren’t really looking to buy anything, but went along more for the social aspects and the chance of being Spot for the day…

Arriving just after the demo had started, I set off to the bathroom to get changed. The typical outfit for the BBB is the Dalmatian Zentai with the E-Stim remote box, harness, lead and the latex paws … which was exactly what I got changed in to. As it was relatively quiet, I asked if it would be possible to get a drink before we did anything else… my owner agreed, so it was off to the bar and outside for a quick chat.

After finishing the drink, and deciding it wasn’t quite as warm as it could have been, we started, as usual, by wandering around the ground floor and having a browse around the stalls… only one thing really caught my eye, and that was a giant ball weight, but the stall didn’t take card, so we decided to leave it for the moment, intending to browse their website. Unfortunately, though, it seems their website doesn’t work 🙁 If anyone has heard of FullOnFetish (http://www.fullonfetish.com/) and knows Contact Details for them, please let me know!

We headed up the stairs to start looking at the stalls up there… we started off by talking to the people from E-Stim about various things, and after we’d finished that we started having a look around. Again, there was very little that specifically caught my eye – probably because we weren’t looking for anything in particular. However, after having a quick drink, we decided that we did actually want something from the people at EdgePlay so headed up to buy that.

We’d obviously been talking to people for a lot longer than we thought, as the end of the event came quite quickly… so after helping E-Stim load up, and talking about Landrovers outside (a subject I quite enjoy!) it was decided we ought to go for food. On the way to the usual pub where we eat in Birmingham, we walked past Clone Zone and went in for a browse around.

Initially, the only thing we spotted was a 20p postcard which had given me an idea… so while my owner was paying for that I kept browsing. I noticed a really nice looking neoprene harness (it’s a blue equivalent of this Neoprene Strap Harness on the Recon Store) hanging on the shelf, and thought about buying it, but decided against it. When we went outside, I was talking to Colin about this… and debating whether to buy it. We decided that I would get it, and I put it on before even leaving the shop – with the assistant even offering to cut the labels off for me. I put it on, then pulled my t-shirt back over the top, and became a very happy Spot *wags tail*

I kept the harness on during the meal, and right through until the next morning… and to this day, I still enjoy wearing it overnight as it makes me feel more pup-like when lying in bed.

May is looking like it might be quite a busy month for Spot too, but hopefully, will still be able to fit in some playtime!

*woofs and nuzzles*


April Heros

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Apr 032012

Sunday saw the first Sunday of the month come and go… which meant Spot had a visit to Heros, but also to something else.

Not only is Heros a monthly event on the first Sunday, there’s also the London Alternative Market (or LAM) which is held near the Tower of London… and as Colin and I have never been before, we decided it would be worthwhile paying a visit there.

Unfortunately, various things conspired against us on the day, and while we hoped to be there for the 2PM workshop on Male Chastity, we turned up slightly late and the discussion had already started, so we felt it rude to interrupt. However, as it was their April one, we did get a free Easter Egg on entry… and after some Puppy Dog eyes at Colin, we both selected Cadbury’s Button Eggs – as regular readers will know, Buttons are by far my favourite doggy treat! It was a shame we didn’t make the discussion, as based on some of the topics that were covered at Erotica by the LAM organisers, it would have been quite informative.

The venue for the LAM is actually quite a pleasant one, although being Central London, the bar prices are quite steep.

I decided, for some reason, that I didn’t really want to get changed in to the Zentai – probably due to the heat of the day – so we wandered round the stalls domestically. A couple of items caught our eye, but we were good and decided not to buy anything.

After having looked around the venue, and deciding it was time to leave, we debated what to do. As it was still a nice Sunny day outside, we wandered down towards the Tower of London, and sat outside there, admiring the views and just chatting.

At this point, it became time to think about heading off to Heros, so we duly hopped back on a Tube Train and made our way to Mile End. Unfortunately, we still ended up a bit early, so we had a wander round Mile End’s Park by the canal before heading off to Heros.

We were the first to arrive at Heros (rather unusually!) but as we both had to change fully, this wasn’t a bad thing – lots of space to change. Not long after though, other people started turning up – mainly people we knew – and we started conversing and heading off to the bar.

I spent a lot of time standing catching up with people that we know, but I did drop down in to pup mode and become mischievous – trying my usual tactic of untying shoe laces on unsuspecting victims (apart from the mirror – which meant they saw me!). At one point, Scamp and I stole some rope and someone’s outfit off the top of a bag… well, if you will leave things on or near the floor when there are two pups around!

It was nice to have a catchup with people at Heros, and I travelled home still in the dalmatian print outfit – although under my combats and fleece, as despite the weather of the day, it was actually quite cool out at night.


Dungeon Visit with a Friend

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Apr 032012

*paws over eyes* It’s taken me a long while to get round to writing this blog post I’m afraid, as it’s been rather manic recently.

March actually ended up being a busy month for Spot, as on March 10th, my owner (Colin) and I went with a friend of his to The Secret Dungeon in High Wycombe for a play session – with my owner doming over 2 people.

We met up with David outside the dungeon, and then the owners of Dungeon spotted us and came to let us in. We offloaded our equipment from the car, including the Vac Bed, and went in – at which point the owners updated us on a couple of things that we might have not known about, and made sure we were happy, and then we paid them our money and were left to our own devices.

We started off by showing David around, and explaining how my owner and I usually play – we tend to have breaks for a drink or a pee – or if I’m feeling naughty, a chance for me to have a cigarette.

At this point, both David and I were ordered to strip as far as we were comfortable with, while Colin sorted out the toys and things we’d need. Unfortunately, due to the time between the events and writing this post, my exact memories of the day are a little hazy.

However, I do know that during the course of the play session, both David and I experienced almost the same things… These included: Upside Down Suspension, E-Stim, Sleep Sack, Vac Bed and various other small toys as part of the other sessions.

I also know that while Colin was doing something to David, I was put in the large cage they have in the dungeon, and fell asleep for a bit… well, you know dogs – they’ll sleep quite regularly, and anywhere!

After the session came to an end, we ended up having to pack up and then decided we’d go out for a meal to round off the session – we’d played over lunch time, but hadn’t had any food.

I’m sure if David has any insights in to bits I’ve forgotten, he’ll let me know and comment on this post (or I’ll edit them in).
