Brighton and Heros
On the one nice warm day that we had recently, my owner and I took a trip to Brighton Beach, for an (almost) completely innocent reason. However, as part of that trip, the subject of Spot came up and it was decided to demonstrate (since the outfit was with us) for the people we were with…
Needless to say, a couple of pictures were taken of Spot at the time.
- Spot on Brighton Beach
- Spot on Brighton Beach
With the first Sunday in June falling on a Bank Holiday Weekend and with lots of things going on in London, it was the usual debate as to whether Heros would be busy or not.
As it turned out, the weather had taken a turn for the worst, and when my owner and I arrived first, the tone of the night was to be set… we were the first people in the venue, and after that, one of the highlights of the night was counting the number of people that appeared… we eventually got up to about 12, and gave up at that point.
As may be obvious, unfortunately, due to other events, and Birmingham Pride, Heros was rather poorly attended, and even Scamp couldn’t make it due to volumes of people *whimpers*
My owner and I had brought a Birthday Card for Mark, the Barman, as it was his birthday that day… Apart from getting a chance to chill out and unwind as best I could, the only other highlight of the day was managing to meet the person behind SkinTightUK for the first time.
We eventually decided about 9PM that it was probably time to leave, as both my owner and I were feeling exhausted having had two very late nights before Heros, due to work.
Hopefully next month will pick up in numbers, although due to work commitments, Spot may be arriving later than usual.