This is the video of the results of the Head to Head gunging competition I was playing with Forester – organised by my owner.
A couple of pics from London Pride
I’ve found a couple of pics online from London Pride … I know there’s a lot more out there, but here’s 2 I like 🙂 *wags*
London Pride 2014

Today saw the Annual London Pride Parade and this pup was part of it, courtesy of Puppy Pride organising the walking group. So this morning, I sorted out the outfit, and as an added twist I included my E-Stim Systems Remote Box. There was a reason for the Remote Box though … Caz from E-Stim Systems was going to be my handler for the day so that my owner could take pictures.
Due to a slight delay at home, we got off a bit later than planned, but still with enough time to get there before the Parade started. En-Route, we met with Caz and Wayne and carried onto Baker Street. … A quick loo stop and snack and then down to meet the rest of the group. Once with the rest of the group [too many names to remember to list here!], I finished off putting the hood, paws and knee pads on, and became my pup self. … Then the rain started!!! Luckily we bought a rainbow brolly and it was big enough to keep this pup and Caz dry. Whilst waiting for the Parade to start I bumped into a few people I knew which was fun 🙂 *wags* and we all hoped the rain would pass – which by luck, it did just before we started.
Due to the ground being wet, I didn’t go straight off on all-4’s and walked normally 🙁 … technically though we hadn’t entered the public part of the parade yet, so it wasn’t the end of the world … We got near to the official start line and the sun had just tried to come out, meaning the ground had dried somewhat, so I dropped to all-4’s and was off! I had great fun, thought due to damp ground, and the parade moving a bit quicker than previous years, I had to drop in and out of being on all-4’s, but when stood up I did make myself known well by barking (loudly) at the crowds … who needs whistles 😉
At one point I went and said ‘hello’ to a real bio-puppy, too much amusement from people around. … The parade moved at a steady pace for the main part, so I was stood up, barking – though whenever we stopped I dropped to all-4’s and had fun with the crowds. One person even gave me their real dog so they could have a photo with me and the real dog *wags*
The main parade for me is a bit sketchy, as when in full pup mode, I don’t seem to really recall much, mainly because I’m enjoying just being a pup.
The rain stayed off for the most of the event, but when we did have a light drizzle my surrogate handler (Caz) did an excellent job of keeping me dry with the brolly.
The end seemed to come all to quick, and the group got directed into a side street to be able to have a mass group shot (or 2 or 3 or 4 ……. ) and then de-pup and head off our separate ways.
The decision for us was to head off back to Baker Street to the Nandos Chicken restaurant there to have some dinner …. though after dinner, I re-pupped up (as I hadn’t taken off the Zentai or knee-pads yet) and travel back home as a puppy on the train which caused much amusement to the carriage we were in – and it also confused the Beagle Bio-Dog that got on with us!
Overall a fantastic day out, the rain didn’t dampen spirits, and all had good fun …. some pics of me are here on my blog, and then as I find others I’ll do a couple of follow up posts
Visit to Brighton & Brighton Sauna
This last weekend saw me gaining a modelling job down in Brighton, but only for a couple of hours, so we made the decision while we were down there, we’d just spend the day relaxing, and hoping the weather was going to be nice! It turns out the weather was quite nice, but only while I was modelling – after that, it chilled off and got slightly cloudier.
However, we had made plans for what to do while we were there, so we dutifully packed various things in the morning, swim thongs, Lycra, pup gear, cameras etc. before setting off. I would have quite happily travelled in Lycra, but for doing life modelling, it’s better to not have marks on your skin and as Lycra tends to be tighter, marks are often more obvious.
After my modelling, and a spot of food, we headed down to the beach, with the intention of heading down to the Black Rock end where the nudist area is as it tends to be a bit quieter and more accepting – and I can get an all over tan! With my interest in all things technical and mechanical, and my owners interest in most things railway, we took the Volks Electric Railway along which was a pleasant journey along the beach front.
As we walked to the naturist beach, and found somewhere to sit, I decided it wasn’t probably going to be worth going for an all over tan, so I stripped off down to my thong and lay down on the beach for a bit.
As I was lying down, we talked through plans for the rest of the afternoon… although we brought the puppy stuff with us, we decided it was only going to be worth doing if we went along the beach in it, but it was getting late on and so many people would have gone… so in the end the pup outfit just got packed away – and the decision was made that I would re-dress in to Lycra and we would visit
We wandered back up the beach, and stopped for an ice cream before getting the Volks Railway back along to the Pier. We debated, and wandered down the pier to check, a go on the fun fair rides, but the queues were too long and with the sea breeze, it was a bit chillier at the end of the pier! A short walk up the town and a quick snapshot of the lycra I was wearing, we then found the sauna…
I can only offer high praise for the Sauna – it was reasonably priced (£15 each) and the staff were very friendly and helpful. I booked myself for a massage (£39 for 1hr) as well, starting within 20 minutes of arriving on site. We headed down to the changing rooms, got changed and headed back up the stairs – although I was about 10 minutes early, I was taken straight for my massage.
After finishing the massage, watching a bit of TV while I was calm and relaxed and had a drink, we headed down for the showers and off to the sauna. This puppy loves heat so I really enjoy saunas. We sat in there for a bit, and I asked my owner if he’d run up stairs and buy me a thick black cock ring that they had available to purchase and I put it on after my shower from the sauna.
Heading off to the jacuzzi, we ended up spending about 20 minutes in there, relaxing and chatting. There was enough space in the jacuzzi that even with 3 other guys in there, it felt comfortable – it’s designed for 10 and even then I think it would feel comfortable. After a shower, I dried off and decided to spend 9 minutes in their sun-bed working on my tan, since I couldn’t do it outside 😀 Another drink after that, and then it was time to relax in the steam room for a bit.
Sadly, the evening came to an end all too soon, but without a doubt we will definitely be going back there, as the staff were friendly, and although it was busy it did not feel too busy and the facilities were excellent.
I left, again in my lycra, and we went to get the train home. It was a shame the day had to come to an end, as sometimes, it’s nice to just chill out and do nothing – and although I didn’t pup out as much as I could do, it was still a fun day.
Birmingham Pride – 2014
Saturday 24th May marked the main day of this year’s Birmingham Pride, and like last year, a group of pups decided that we’d go for a walkabout after the parade around the Pride Village… well, we had decided this but the weather gods didn’t quite agree!
My owner and I did decide to do the sensible thing this year, though, and arrived by train rather than trying to drive in to Birmingham and park… It was a little wet on our drive to the train station we stated at (Warwick, but more of that in a later post!) so we weren’t holding out much hope, and FugaPup was also trying to coordinate everyones thoughts on what to do…
I was already travelling in my Zentai outfit, just with my trousers and a fleece over the top as it was a little chilly, and I’d go see-through in the rain! On arriving at Birmingham we met up with everyone in on one of the pubs in the village for a drink while people were deciding what to do. After a bit of time in the pub, it was decided that those that were going to be in Rubber would go off and change which left the rest of us to wander around while they were away…
Really, this meant sheltering in a doorway while it rained and rained… but eventually, the sun did come out, the rubber pups returned and the fun began. We headed back to the pub we were in earlier first so that people could fully pup up and change in to their gear first of all.. At this point, there were four pups: Me, @PupGizmo, @PupTyler and @MLatexM
We set off from the bar, and before we’d even got 50 yards from the bar, we were being approached for photos and pictures and being petted etc. We made a quick walk down to the Cabaret tent, where we then made a slower walk up from there so that people could see us etc. This was definitely a slow walk, as people kept stopping us and asking for pictures which was great fun 🙂
We ended up walking for just over 1hr on a stretch of road you could normally do in 10 minutes with so many people around, and so many people wanting pictures – young to old, male and female and even security guards and people representing the Emergency Services on site 🙂
We were later joined by a couple of other puppies who had just their pup hoods on and hadn’t changed, so by the end of the walk there was about 7 of us – all being stopped for photographs etc. As it was starting to get chillier, and @KinkyKKOB had an app on his phone predicting rain in 10 minutes, we headed down a side street to take a couple of group photos and head off. Even then we were still getting requests for photos though 🙂
We then went off and had a social meal with everyone and then it was time for us all to head home… but it was another fantastic day (despite the weather) and this pup had a great time *wags*
- Wandering the streets…
- Another photo opportunity…
- Stealing the puppies
- Being PupNapped!
- At the end of the walkabout…