
A lycra loving person, but also heavily into puppy play I'm an owned lycra puppy ... Owned and cared for by colin14092003 High Wycombe, UK · https://www.zentaispot.co.uk

Catch-up blog post 1

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Aug 182015

Apologies for the delay in writing this blog post, but I’ve been off recovering from a visit to the *whispers* “v.e.t.s” *sulks* However, I’m now well on the road to recovery, so it’s time to put paws to keyboard and write this, the first in a series of 3 blog posts detailing what I was up to in July *wags*

The first of these is going to focus on two outings as Spot – one in Central London, and one when I was away camping with friends.

On the Friday 17th July, I was asked to help out with E-Stim Systems doing a demo in Regulation, which I jumped at the chance to do – as I’d had to miss the previous year due to work commitments; there was off course one problem with this – I was due to be in Norfolk, camping with friends on holiday. However, some quick research revealed that the train down to London and back wasn’t ACTUALLY that expensive, return and first class – a point that will be pertinent later on 😉

As part of the trip to the demo, I’d agreed to bring all our E-Stim kit with me on the day, which meant some time during the week before we went on holiday sorting it out – 4 carry boxes worth, which thankfully fitted in to one of our holdalls for ease of transporting! After getting dressed in a sprintsuit in the morning, and driving to Norwich Train Station, we got settled in our seat in First Class… and my phone buzzed indicating a Twitter notification. This was from @devilwuff saying that he thought he’d seen me walk past the coach he was in on the same train, which was a bit of a surprise – and after some Twitter conversing it turned out he was definitely on the same train! Unfortunately, due to the timing etc. we didn’t actually get the chance to speak to him in person though!

We headed down in to London, navigating the Tube Network to get to Regulation where we arrived slightly earlier than Caz & Wayne from E-Stim Systems so we had a browse around the shop while we waited… They turned up, and I got changed in to the zentai with 2 sets of 2 sticky pads – one set on my thighs and the other set on the buttocks, the appropriate boxes got plugged in and away we went for a few hours.

It was fairly quiet to be honest, so it became a game of teasing the puppy … I do enjoy playing with E-Stim Systems equipment, and I know that they enjoy having fun with it too … there’s a fun video that shows what the E-Stim Systems Series 1 PowerBox can do on pulse mode …

… and this was the box on almost full power (I had been allowed to acclimatise first)! This was fun and a good laugh on pulse mode, but when the Power Box got switched to continuous mode (forgetting it was on pulse) I ended up going absolutely solid in the leg muscles and buttocks, and dropped to the floor; much to everyone’s amusement (and mine after the moment!)! I spent quite some time on the Series 2B PowerBox too, on various different modes, but mainly on the Microphone Mode. All in all great fun! Near the end of the demo, Regulation was offering the chance to try their stand up vac cube, and not one to miss a chance, I said I’d have a go 🙂 … the catch was, I was still wired up to the Series 2B PowerBox! I could just about see the Power Box by my head as it was outside the vac-cube, but the cables ran inside to me – which also caused much giggling from people, as a) I was twitching with the E-Stim, and b) my tail from my outfit had become very apparent between my legs, and it was almost looking like I was embarrassing myself! I thought I had good self-control, *wags*. Also during the day, Pup Gizmo dropped in to say Hi, which was nice, as I hadn’t seen him for ages, and so he was offered GIGANTIC choc-buttons – however, he was to close his eyes, and wait for the choc-button to be put on his paws before he could look. When he saw the size of them he was ecstatic (they were huge!).

From the demo, it was great to catch up with a few people I knew, and also just a great day out in all.

At the end of the demo, I had another look around the shop and ended up buying a baseball cap with “#woof” on the front, as well as something else (more details in a later blog post!) 😉 I then got changed out of my zentai and paws and hood, but decided to keep the sticky pads and cabling on. We all then went off for dinner, and then started heading home.

The train on the way back was slightly busier, but when the first class coach quietened down a bit, my owner dragged out the Series 2B PowerBox from the bag, put in a new 9v battery and then connected me up – so after hours in the shop being teased, I continued being teased on the way home on the train! *whine*… actually, I secretly enjoyed it 🙂

Thanks to the guys at Regulation and also to E-Stim Systems for giving me the opportunity to do this 🙂

Spot’s other outing during the week in this post wasn’t quite so public, but was also enjoyable. The campsite where we stay has a pool that is available to use, and after having packed everything up on the Sunday before we left, I decided it was time for Spot to have a bit of a dip, as it meant the gear could be washed the moment we got home. I wandered off to the pool, fully kitted out and had some fun in the water, which hopefully these pictures and short videos show.

(If the embedded video doesn’t work, then they can be downloaded underneath the embedded video)

Spot dunks under the water
summersault in the water

London Pride – 2015

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Jul 212015

Sorry this has been delayed, it’s been a hectic few weeks doing lots!

Saturday 27th June saw the London Pride parade taking place, and this puppy was out walking. Unlike last year, the weather was a little nicer – with glorious sunshine and warm temperatures compared to the rain of last year.

We set off from home, with the intention of getting the train and that I’d travel in as a pup… which meant I had to change in the station car park and then board the train *wags*. I’d decided that, as much as I wanted to do full hood and paws, this was probably not a sensible idea due to the heat.

The puppy assembly point was near the o2 “Be More Dog” bus which meant the opportunity for a photo was just too tempting.


After the picture wast taken and before the walk, I went off to find a tree – 25 minutes later standing in a queue, I hadn’t had the chance to use one so I had to come back to assemble for the parade, and get fully kitted up. Then we waited… and waited… and waited.

During the waiting period, someone threw me a bag of chocolate buttons, which I tore my way in to, but unfortunately, the heat had got the better of them and they’d just turned in to a big chocolatey puddle 🙁 *whine*

Eventually we got a chance to set off, but progress down Baker Street was quite slow – with lots of stops and starts, so I was alternating from 4 legs to 2 legs, and due to the heat, I curled up lying down on the road, as it was too hot to be on all-4’s

We then turned on to Oxford Street and everything started moving that little bit quicker, and again, I was alternating from 4 to 2 legs – barking all the way.


Somewhere down Oxford Street, we gained a blow up football which a few of the pups started playing with at various slow points during the route – for some reason, it seemed to keep re-appearing with us even if we ended up throwing it in to the crowd! *wags*. I also found a cardboard tube, which I was using as a big stick, chewing my way through it … but after a while, I gave it to another pup, who put it down 🙁 … A different blow up beachball got thrown at me, which I went to pick up with my mouth, as all good pups should do, but it went flat … *puppy eyes* it wasn’t me … … honest!

The rest of the walk was uneventful, to one extent – with a lot of walking and barking – with the heat making it slightly unbearable at times! This also meant that I had to keep alternating between being on all 4s or walking on 2 legs. A fun but hot parade making myself known to the crowds 🙂

After the parade, we did a few photos then went to join the rest of the pups in a nearby park for a quick lunch. After a quick bite to eat, I got re-pupped up to head for Nandos with my hood and paws, when a small ball arrived at my front paws. It came from a small child who was shouting happily ‘dog’ at their mum. i bopped the ball bck, whereupon it got thrown back to me with a happy ‘dog’ from the child. A photo with mum and the tot followed, before heading off for Nandos. Both Marbles and I rode the tube as pups, sitting in front of the door much to the amusement of other passengers.

After the Nandos, I headed home, on the train, fully dressed up as Spot… we took a stopping service so that there’d be quite a few people getting on and off the train, but it actually turned out to be remarkably quiet 🙁

Yet again, another fantastic day out – and with more pups than previous years as well.

And here’s a pic of all the pups that attended from @lonchastitysub 🙂



Birmingham Pride – 2015

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May 292015

The late May Bank Holiday weekend saw the Annual Birmingham Pride weekend event, and like previous years Spot went along for a day out… although this time, I had some time constraints so wasn’t able to stay for the entire afternoon.

As in previous years, we took the train, and I was intending on travelling up in Spot, but circumstances got in the way and I couldn’t change until I got there. After a quick pause in the Bullring shopping centre to get changed, and cheer up a few people on the way back through, we wandered down to the pride area.

After receiving the wrist band, which was attached to my harness as in previous years, we headed in to the pride area. To start with, we ended up having to go through security, where the bags and both my owner and I were also searched – I suppose for safety and legal reasons mainly.

This is where the fun begun – wearing figure hugging Lycra, there wasn’t really much place for me to hide anything. The comment from the security guard was along the lines of “I need to be sure that you haven’t anything to hide”, as I’d made the comment that I had no pockets to hide anything … I let him pat me down to be sure … he then announced to his colleagues, that I had nothing on me I shouldn’t and then proceeded to point at my middle area and went on to say “… well, apart from maybe that!” … he was referring to my manhood …. while another security guard exclaimed on the fact that there was a dog in the bag as well – referring to my pup hood and paws! We all chuckled and then were allowed in to the Pride village

We headed out in to CloneZone to have a quick look at some of the stuff in there, and we spotted a couple of things we liked and decided we may head back in later.

On to the wandering around the village… or after a quick stop for some food! Then it was on with the hood and paws, and the exploring began. We started with a few stalls, where the stall holders were wanting to chat to me and take selfies. We also collected a load of flyers and stickers while we wandered down the stalls.

Our next port of call was one of the fun fair rides, where I went on the ride as Spot – fully hooded and paws. Although, I did feel a little queasy when we came off as my peripheral vision is restricted when wearing my pup contacts and wearing the hood… but it was good fun anyway!

After the ride, we visited the police stall, where I managed to get my photo taken with some of the cute puppies that were there, and also let them meet a different sort of dog! One of the slightly older pups decided to lick my pup hood and nose … which brought a smile to all.

Meeting a Police Puppy

While we were wandering around, I kept getting stopped with people wanting pictures with me – or selfies. There was also a great reaction from the crowds in the bars, with people pointing and staring.

We were approaching our curfew for getting back home, so we headed back to the fairground section so I could go on the other ride I wanted to… again, the lack of peripheral vision made me feel not so good – but it was still fantastic fun.

Shortly before we left Pride, we bumped into Pup Echo.

meeting Pup Echo

Leaving the pride area, we headed back to towards the train station, with me still in full pup gear. An irresistible opportunity arose outside the O2 store in the Bullring though – a picture of a human pup next to the “Be More Dog” poster!


We continued to head back to the station, and had to do the obligatory picture outside the Selfridges Building

Outside the Selfridges Building

While we waited on the train, I was sitting on the floor like a good pup…

Birmingham Platform Waiting

and it’s just as well trains only run the way the tracks go – as there was at least one train driver who was looking at me rather than the way he was going!

I then proceeded to stay as a puppy on the train where upon I slept for most of the journey home.

On the train home

It’s the first time I’ve actually slept with my pup hood and paws on. Our tickets were checked by the guard on the train, and he chuckled at me as I couldn’t hand him my ticket due to my paws. On leaving the train when we got to our stop, quite a bit of the passengers hadn’t realised I’d been there, and so as we came into the station, there were quite a number of people turning round from their seats to have a look and causing some amusement to some of the passengers. Shame the day came to an end so quick, but all in all it was fantastic fun!


UV Shoot – part 2

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May 052015

From the previous post I mentioned that some other UV images were taken, but they deserved their own post … so here it is.

When trying out and testing the UV shots for the gunge testing, I had a chance to play and see what some of my lycra outfits looked like under UV lighting, of which the better options can be seen on the other post …

This outfit belongs to one of the other people at the gunge testing, but he said I’d probably be able to pull off the look better, and I think I didn’t do too bad.

The pictures have had a bit of post processing to make them black and white using a blue filter, but the final result looks stunning!

What do you all think?

Pup Social, a Social Weekend and UV Photography

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May 032015

This post ought to have been posted a while back, but I’ve only just got round to editing the images!!!! … …

With my job, finding time to meet up with friends is often not as easy as it could be – with evening and weekend work a given. However, at the end of March, we had arranged to visit F0rester up in Leicestershire, along with Marbles and Acey. What we didn’t know when we arranged it though, was it would also be a chance to head off to Birmingham for the Pup Social.

The afore-mentioned work issue meant that we weren’t able to arrive at a normal time on the Friday night, instead arriving around 1AM in the morning – although everyone was still up, they were in the process of retiring to bed. Only the essentials were unloaded from the car – my dog cage and a bag with clothing in it! As we set this up, I had a need to go to the toilet and while I was up stairs, I went and jumped on the bed, as puppies do, with poor Acey – who insisted I had far too much energy for 1AM!

We retired to bed, and over a leisurely breakfast the next morning, we made arrangements for going to Birmingham. For ease of space, it was decided I’d drive as I have the largest car. We set off, and arrived in Birmingham, and while I put the contact lenses in which have become part of the Spot image, the others (Colin (my owner), Marbles, Acey and Frosty) went off to find a cash machine, and by chance, met up with Scamp and Rex while loitering on a street corner 🙂

We all headed off to Boltz, and to the Pup Social, where we arrived and started getting changed and after that immediately joined in the fun playing with squeaky toys! Fuga joined us later on as well, and was enjoying playing with the toys. The great thing was, there were loads of pups there, but in the main, we were all playing together, batting toys around and generally making a lot of noise! A small paws (sorry, pause!) occurred while BossBear presented a pup with his collar, and we all sang “Happy Birthday”. After this, play continued, and with a few drinks consumed, the 5 hours of the main part of the afternoon was soon over!

We all headed out to a local “All You Can Eat” Chinese restaurant and had dinner, while my group debated whether we’d go back for the evening bit. We eventually decided we would, but only for an hour or so… 2.5hrs (nearly 3 hours!) later, we were still there getting ready to leave! Although there were less pups in the evening, the same good natured atmosphere continued with pups playing and having fun. At one point, we changed one pup in to a game of “Puparoo” as we loaded all the squeaky toys on his back!

Marbles also encouraged us all to do some dancing, so a group of pups ended up doing The Timewarp, YMCA and generally dancing to other songs… on all 4s!

All in all, the pup social was a fantastic event, and given it’s all organised free of charge, I think it is a credit to the organising team… as circumstances permit, we will definitely be going back again.

Again, Sunday started as a lazy day (getting home at 2AM and having the clocks change to 3AM, due to British Daylight Saving time, wasn’t quite part of the plan!) where we enjoyed some breakfast… then we got started on the other aspects that we wanted to do, with Forester wanting to do some experiments with gunge, and some UV plans. As we got the room set up and others started mixing up gunge, I took the opportunity to “test” the UV (nearly 1kW of UV lights in a small room!) and the camera by doing some test shots in some Lycra, which have come out really well. You can see the pictures of this at the end of this post.

We then carried out the gunge experiment, but didn’t have time for the artistic UV that was originally planned – so I guess we’ll just need to arrange another time to go back 😀

As we cleaned up, a nice social discussion around the table with Pizza meant that the weekend drifted to a nice, comfortable conclusion – and we had to set off home again.

Theres a few more UV images from the day, but they are worthy of a separate post of their own!