Having been the first Mr Puppy UK back in 2015/2016, I’ve always enjoyed watching the title go from strength to strength… and that goes without saying as the title passes from Buumi to Trumpet for 2019.
The handover was planned, quite rightly, to be at Club Scritches, an event that Buumi has set up during his title year that runs in the Eden Bar in Birmingham. This was in January, and since I was free, it would be rude to not go along. This also marked my first visit to Scritches in the time that it has been running. *paws over eyes*
With the event happening in a large enclosed area of the pub, it was a really enjoyable event – plenty of good music (which lots of pups – including me – ended up “dancing” too!), lots of play space and lots of pups!
It was also nice to have a few puppies come up to me and want pictures with me or to talk to me as being part of the reason why they’d got involved in the pup scene.
With speeches by Buumi and Trumpet, the formal handover was completed, and the pups continued to play and party. Then, it is onwards to the rest of 2019.
With Thanks to Pup Snap for the photos