LAM and Heros

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Oct 232012

I’ve been incredibly busy with work recently, which has meant I haven’t had as much time to either be Spot or to update this blog as I’d have liked to 🙁

Since my last post, my owner and I visited the London Fetish Weekend London Alternative Market at the beginning of the month (just after my Birthday), to meet up with Caz from E-Stim who was going along as a visitor to the show, rather than to work. We spent some time wandering around, and we visited one of the talks that were going on, but I have to say we were not terribly impressed. There seemed to be lots of stalls if you were female and looking for clothing, but not much else. The venue also didn’t feel particularly clean (where the art galleries were, and the route to the stage / workshop room was particularly  sticky as you walked across!), although the atmosphere in some of the rooms would have fitted the events!

We did, however, finally get around to purchasing something which we had been debating for a while… a new ball weight – which is 1.6kg in weight, and 9cm long. I’m currently able to wear it for brief periods, but it’s definitely the weight that is the problem rather than the height.

This also gave us a chance to catch up with Caz and also meant that I was given a fantastic dalmatian mug at the end of it for my birthday.

The Sunday following this saw me attend Heros, but unfortunately, due to a prior commitment, I was a bit late. When we arrived and I changed, after a quick pint, I dropped in to pup mode and spent most of the night on the floor playing wtih two dog toys – one which made a noise if you shook it and the other some rope wrapped in to a ball. These kept me amused for almost the entire time we were there… so apart from the time when I appeared to fall asleep, I think I spent most of the night on the floor enjoying myself with chew toys. Even my owner can’t remember me doing anything else, so it must have been fun!

Heros 10th Birthday

It is the 10th Birthday of Heros on November 4th, and they are trying to get as many people along as possible so if you’re in to that sort of thing, come along 😀