Sep 072011

Well, the first Sunday of the month has just gone past … and that can only mean one thing … Heros


After an interesting weekend of playing with diggers; I was a good pup (I think), and digging big holes in a garden and not burying anything, I went home and got cleaned up and showered, before heading of out into London for Heros.

My Owner and I arrived about 20 mins after it had officially opened, though at that point there were not that many people there. We stood at the bar, and the bar man asked “A Cider and a Coke?” we agreed 🙂 … anyone would have thought that we were regulars!!!

Rover (another pup I know) arrived shortly after us, and once I’d had my drink, I dropped to the floor and enjoyed batting around his new chew toy, which was a sort of plastic ball with beads in it and a chewy sort of cage around the plastic part of the ball. From above I heard the comment “I wonder if it’s Spot proof?” (You see I have this knack of breaking toys) … Well, next thing I knew it was between my teeth, and I gave it a good hard shaking … it survived, though my head was spinning from the vigors of shaking my head around so hard!!

*Paws over eyes* … not sure what else went on that night *tail between legs* … I know for most of the night, I was stood up on my back paws only, but not really paying attention to what was going on.

One bit I do remember, was the barman (Mark) became curious about my liking of Bonios (the real dog biscuits) and so I offered him one. He snapped of a bit and tried it … to which he seemed not to like (Silly humans) so I finished off the rest of it.

We stayed long after the official end time of Heros, but was having a really pleasant chat with Rover and Tracker(?), though like a lot of these things, it had to come to an end eventually and so at about 10:30pm, we said our goodbyes to Mark, and went to change and head home.

Sorry it’s all a bit vacant in content, but when out in pup mode – be it on two legs or 4 – I often am unable to recall events. … maybe my owner can add to this post and fill in the blanks



Spot spent some more time on the floor, playing with Rover’s new toy (which was actually surprisingly heavy – no wonder he had a sore head!) and as well as playing with a soft small football as well. The toy did seem to be Spot proof though, as it survived the night! Although I’m not sure if a squeaky toy or a rattling toy is worse…

Some of the time he was also running around on all 4s playing with the other pups that were there, making mischief as usual… some of the time when he was on two legs he was doing friendly introductions to people that were new at Heros and having a discussion with them about the club – hopefully they’ll come back again 😀

During the course of the night, I think the most bizarre discussion that was held was on how to improve the taste of Bonios… some of the options up for discussion was dunking it in coffee (like you would do with Rusks), covering it in chocolate or dunking it in a pint. I’m not sure which option Spot would prefer… he seems to like them straight out the box given he consumed about half a box during the course of the evening!

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