It seems that a lot of my friends have birthday’s at this time of year… and that my owners forgetfulness even extends to Birthday Cards *paws over eyes* We’d bought all the birthday cards we needed, but they ended up sitting on my owners desk and we’d completely forgotten to post them off to various people!
One of our friends, Sam, organises a party every year for his birthday, and my owner and I were invited. After arranging cover at work, we set off for the night.
On arrival at the party, I set about setting up some funky lights for when it got dark and music was playing… this is much easier to do in ‘human’ form than it is in Spot mode as the latex paws make it incredibly difficult to use touchpads on laptops, as does the Zentai suit really. After that was done, I went to get changed with the help of my owner… I needed the help as I was being connected to the E-Stim remote box for the evening to keep me under control, so these need to be positioned appropriately. I then put the Zentai on, my paws and my harness and went through to relax.
As more people arrived, some food appeared and I was allowed to have some of it… with the proviso that it was eaten out of the doggy bowl. Sausage Rolls are OK doing that… but a whole chicken wing was actually quite difficult to eat as a dog would – i.e without being able to hold it. I eventually had to give in and ask my owner to hold it for me so I could eat all the chicken off it Of course, after the Chicken etc. came the really awkward thing to eat out a dog bowl – a bowl of chilli… although this seems like it should be quite easy, it does start to make the nose tingle a little bit and seems to take a lot longer to eat than you would think.
Unfortunately, as I spent a lot of the time relaxed and in puppy mode, I don’t really remember much more of what happened in the evening, other than talking to Gizmo and playing fetch with him and his owner… OK as I’d been clipped together with him we didn’t really have much choice other than to play fetch together though! This involved running round the room chasing the new rubber (or was it leather) bone that he’d bought at Regulation during Fetish Week recently, and not tripping anyone else up… which I think we may have done … *wuffs*
The theme of eating out a doggy bowl continued as, just after midnight, Happy Birthday was played, the candles were blown out and we were all given a piece of chocolate cake. This was, of course, presented to me in my doggy bowl, from where I lapped it all up… then had my face cleaned as the chocolate had gone everywhere!
Eventually, about 2AM we all retired to ‘bed’ (or our space on the floor) and went to sleep until the next morning. When my owner presented me with a coffee, I sat up to drink it and it was pointed out to me that I’d spent all night sleeping on my chew ring and had a rather interesting pattern along the side of my face *oops* I hadn’t even noticed this, and obviously felt no discomfort from it – but I really did have some interesting markings down my cheek.
Unfortunately for me, it was agreed that Gizmo and his owner could get their own back on me using the E-Stim 2B box and some experimenting so I was duly unplugged from the remote version and plugged in to their 2B and teased and tormented with the functions on the box for about 30 minutes… OK, slightly less publicly than Gizmo was but still. Breakfast was then served… again, in my doggy bowl. Thankfully it gets cleaned out after each ‘course’ in it!
After breakfast, we had to leave as we had some domestic things we needed to do before we headed home so we started packing up and Spot had to get changed Even though I have been known to do things in the Zentai normally, the particular task that we were doing would not have suited itself to the Zentai being on.
All in all a good and fun time was had *wags tail*
Speaking of Birthday’s my owner has made me take my birthday off work … but won’t tell me why *pouts* He won’t even give me any clues as to whether it’s domestic or kink related