Brighton Pride Pics … Flickr will get the full set ASAP
- 4 pups together
- Helium Dalmatian with BLUE collar 🙂
Brighton Pride Pics … Flickr will get the full set ASAP
Hackney Wick pictures … again, the rest of the set will be on Flickr ASAP
Teasers from the Trafalgar walkabout … I’ll put the full set onto Flickr ASAP, now that I’ve got all the pictures collated together
Well, after trawling the net … I’ve found these 2 pictures that have been taken by others:
* ZentaiSpot (picture is clickable to take you to the rest of the Photographers Flickr Stream)
Sorry, as yet not found any photos of Scamp … I know we’ve got a few, but they will be uploaded over the weekend
*Woofs to all* This seems a long post – but mainly because I can remember a lot of it *Wags Tail*
Last Saturday was Brighton Pride, and at a last minute decision it was decided that we (myself and my Owner) would go.
After being thwarted at getting away from home at the time we wanted to, we got down to the train station that was 2 stops from Brighton … and realised neither of us had got any money out … luckily we could get the train tickets and car park ticket on card 🙂
Waiting on the platform for the train to arrive … about 10 mins later the train came, and we did the last leg of our journey via train.
Arriving at Brighton, I went to put Spot on under my clothes, and then off to find a cash machine … which seem so few and far between at Brighton.
Cash in hand, we made our way to where the Busses did a shuttle service to the park, only to find they don’t start operation until 1:15 … so we walked it! Just as we arrived at the park, so did the first shuttle bus!
We were meeting Scamp and his other half there at the Cafe, so we sat down at the Cafe, with a bite to eat, texted Scamp, and then found there were two Cafes … *Paws over Eyes*
We moved outside, found a bench and waited … Just as I was about to remove the normal clothes to become Spot, Scamp arrived 🙂 so as a group of 4 (2 pups and 2 handlers) we headed off round the Park.
I won’t bore you all with each and every stall, since to start with it seemed as if there wasn’t much there.
On the second lap (to do the other side of the ‘aisles’) we found Fudge Pup and co. After a few pics, and a quick chat It was decided to head to the Fun Fair with the usual “Can we take a pic?” en-route … Then came a major impulse buy!!!!
*Puppy Eyes* I really am sorry … There was a helium balloon seller there, and in amongst the vast array of floating balloons was a Dalmatian WITH a blue collar!!!!! Well, I could resist, parted with the money and the sting got tied to my harness so every where I went so did the helium balloon 🙂
Scamp got alerted to the fact that TieMeUp and Co. were in the Cafe (the one we didn’t go to) just as we were about to get into the fun-fair area so we headed over there first … A really nice chat to all that were in the cafe, and equally I met Grommit (whom I’ve chatted to in the past on-line) … Not sure how long we stayed in the vicinity of the cafe, but we then finally moved off, and went round the actual Stalls (since earlier it turned out the top of the park was more info stalls rather than stalls selling goods).
I saw a few nice items there, but decided rather than impulse buying (like I did earlier), we would wait and think about things sensibly at home.
Onto the fun fair, and due to it actually being slightly later in the day than we’d thought, we only ended up doing 2 rides. Whilst queuing for the first ride Rover appeared and joined us.
After the first ride, well the usual inevitable happened … “Can we take our pic with you?” So now 3 pups and one lead holder (for Rover) and the inquisitive public person had their pics taken, and then as always, there was another “Can I take your pic?” … and another and another …
The moment we were able to, we very quickly (and not because we wanted to) said our goodbyes to Rover and co and we dissipated into the crowds.
The second ride we went on I decided to go hooded and with no shoes on … The poor unsuspecting person that got sat next to me … opening comment: “Are you a guy or a Girl?” ….. hmmm, can I take 50/50???? “Neither, I’m a pup!!!!” was my thought, but not knowing how much the person knew I just responded with the simple “Guy”
I enjoyed the ride, Scamp was OK with it, but I gather Scamp’s other half (who one of these days I’ll remember the name of) wasn’t overly keen.
Realising how late in the day it had become, it was decided to head off home … so walking back down the street, still as Spot … into McDonalds for a bite to eat, then onto the Train … We got off at the second stop, and Scamp and (*Paws over eyes* sorry) his other half carried on on the train home.
Our journey was well … LONG!!! They’d shut the M25 between J8 – 9 and it took over 3 hours to go from J7 – 8 … Never mind, we got home at 1:30 am, happy and had a great day out. Still dressed as Spot we curled up and went to sleep happy but tired *Wags Tail*
Pics haven’t been forgotten about from the previous event, and equally I’ve a few from Brighton that need to be sorted and upload a few … So watch this space 🙂 … hopefully by the end of the Weekend