Not much to report on the Spot front directly, however … I did have a night out on the Thursday.
Thursday, we booked 5 hours in a local dungeon Thus giving some time for some play that cannot easily be done at home with dad around.
On arrival, after a coke and a pee … I was told to strip and stand in the corner. Cuffs were handed to me to be put on, then headphones, then a blindfold.
Guided back to the stretching rack, where i was to lie down, face up … cuffed by the ankles to the static points, hands to the winch able point, I was stretched out until I couldn’t easily move. Though not too stretched to cause serious discomfort.
I was wired up to the e-stim kit and from there on in, I was electrocuted and stretched (in more ways than one!)
The pin wheel came out and I was now in trouble! Being pin pricked all over is very sensational, enjoyable … yet painful!
I have no idea how long this went on for, yet after a while I was freed from my arms (my shoulders were just beginning to ache. The torment continued however!
Some time later I was freed entirely. Allowed a glass of coke, and then onto the next section!
I was lead over to a sort of bondage chair, where you sit with your legs apart, cuffed over the thighs and ankles clipped on. Arms are clipped horizontally (similar to a crucifix) and my neck was clipped back to the top attachment point … similar treatment to what was occurring on the stretching rack occurred … but because I was able to move a bit without the fear of pulling a muscle, the voltage for the electro was turned up a bit … well at times a lot! With varying voltage, and pulse duration I was squirming in agony/pleasure (yes pain can come with pleasure!)
On and on this went … until I was finally allowed down to have dinner.
Dinner consisted of stewed steak in gravy … but eaten from my dog bowl.
Having finished that, I was allowed to clean up and then after a few minutes to allow it to settle, the fun began again.
This time I was to put on my safety harness, and I was then re blind folded, clipped onto the winch, and hoisted into the air. A few random ways of being clipped with feet and hands in different ways, I asked to be let down due to the fall arrest harness cutting in.
Off that came, and the leather suspension harness went on, as did the suspension mitts. Lifted up, arms and harness attached, I was powerless to do anything. The session continued with my feet attached to the second winch, so I’m now laying horizontal (ish).
A while later I was freed of torment (more so since again the harness was causing slight discomfort. So rather than hurting me and ruining the fun, we decided time to move on to another thing.,
So to finish the session we had, whilst I was tied to the St. Andrews cross, my owner packed the bag. Still under the control of the electro, I think I behaved well, and throughout a very enjoyable night out.
The only part I forgot to mention earlier was that i tried my tail, but not being relaxed enough, we decided to leave it for the time.
Saturday we were going to go out, however due to family reasons at the last minute we didn’t go … hope those that did go did have fun, and hopefully we will join in next time.
I’ll have a look through the pics taken from Thursday and hopefully upload a few in the next couple of days.
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