March 10th

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Mar 102010

I know I ought to post about the Heros just gone, but had this pointed out to me and thought it rather amusing. OK, it’s not in Zentai, but from the pup aspect it’s rather fun

Anyways, heros, a quick summary:

It was a fairly quiet night and a few new faces (or at least not ones I remember).
NEW toed zentai on, now that I’ve replaced the tail with a more tail-like tail AND sewn it in to the right area (the Chinese thought the tail should be half way up the back!) also I replaced the ears from what looked like teddy-bear ears to more dog looking ears. Hehe, I’m glad I can sew, and so pilfered all the ‘spare parts’ from the old-custom-Spot that has just been decided that it has been over worn, and also the zip has worn out.
… hmm, where was I … oh yes: Zentai, paws, harness, knee pads on … and I was ready to play 🙂

After a drink, and being fed a few Pringles (as paws make life hard to get them out the bowl), I was put on 4’s, hood up and then I just switched off into my own pup world.
When a friend arrived I was allowed to stand on 2 legs again for a bit and hood down for a drink … but that was short lived (I think) then back down onto 4’s and again I just went all warm and happy and pup like inside.
Someone (and I’m curious as to who it was) gave me the most amazing tickles behind the ears … I gather it lasted about half an hour, but I really couldn’t tell you if that was true. I just went to my pup-trance-sort-of-happy-state, time has no boundaries; tbh I have no concept of time when in that mood. About a year ago at Heros I lost an hour just batting a chew toy around, even though a full conversation about me was occurring either side of me (or so I’m told).

Heros came to an end all too soon it seemed 🙁 . So with trousers and a fleece over the top of the Zentai, we headed off to get the tube home.

All the way to the penultimate stop, where due to graffiti ARTISTS we were held for over 45 mins whilst they caught the offenders and switched the track power back on.
I stress ARTISTS as that is what the tube driver was announcing, but criminals, oiks, idiots, vandels or anything … just please stop calling them ARTISTS … they are not doing art legitimately, they are just a nuisance to all.
Yes, some of the stuff they do is really good, but there is a time and place for it.
Sorry Rant over.

Still, we got home eventually.

So … what to do now, where to go … more Spot time is needed 🙂 *Wags Tail*