Well, the snow at the end of 2010 has caused much disruption to all … however that is not the reason why my post got delayed of Spots antics in the snow … this post got delayed due to having Panto in at work (and don’t start the “He’s behind you” gags … I’ve still got 8 more shows to go, and have almost learnt the entire script by heart!!!)
Anyways, back to the point: Snow late December 2010 … Well Spot didn’t play out in the snow the night it happened, due to a combination of errors; however I did end up out in the snow on the 18th December … But in a slightly different attire to the norm. I went out in a thin wetsuit sort of dive skin. However this wasn’t as warm as it could have been, so there were not many pictures taken … still, there are some below for you to have a look at.
A few days later (I think the 20th) Due to an interesting happening (blame the snow) a pup named Scamp ended up back at ours … *wags tail* which was fun, even though work meant it was a late night home, and equally an early ish start the next day … so not a lot happened apart from a long chat about putting the world to rights … however …..
The same evening, the snow was taken advantage of and I swapped out of domestic clothes and into Spot … put my latex paws on, and bounded carefully out into the snow *Whimpers* it was COLD!!! but some pictures were taken, to prove that Spot did go out into the Snow, and also how cool the paw prints were that I left as I went out *wags tail*
I know there are not as many pictures or even a video (as there was back in Febuary) however being a Theatre Technician, and at this time of year Panto is the ‘in-thing’ meaning time is scarce and so the snow couldn’t be ‘played in’ to it’s full advantage. *Ears down* … maybe next time the snow comes heavilly I’ll go out and spend more time playing in it.
*Wags and Nuzzles*