Here’s a quick update from the weekend just gone.
Saturday I was invited round to a friends house for their house warming party… I had the comment of “Come as Spot” (They know my alternative side) so I did!
On the way over to them I stopped and did the full face paint as I thought it un fair to turn up hooded, and also the hood would have made drinking somewhat awkward…
On arrival I started on all-4’s and stayed that way right through until we went to go home. I’ve now mastered the art of going up and down the stairs as I should … All-4’s on the way up, and then face first but still on all-4’s on the way down too.
Absoloutely everyone loved Spot being around, and to be honest I don’t remember much of the evening. Not due to drink, but due to the simple fact that I was in my own world of being a Dalmatian Dog. Ear scratches and back scratches, head tickled and all that sort of attention made me completely switch off to the world of human life… One of the only other small bits I do remember was being taken outside for a walk … OUTSIDE!!! on all-4’s!!! … Ok it was cold, but fantastic *wags tail*. The evening came to an end far quicker than I had hoped, 1am we left theirs and it was a shame to go home and have to join the human race again.
Sunday was my works xmas party, and earlier in the week I genuinely enquired about the dress standard required (Casual, smart etc). The response was somewhat un-expected and was along the lines of “You know what everyone else will probably come in, but if you want to come in your dog costume, then you can”
For the rest of the week that comment played on my mind, and I kept double checking in subtle ways if what I heard was correct… On the day I took all my stuff with me, but also normal clothes just in case the comment was a joke.
At about 5pm I was told that what was said earlier in the week was confirmed…I can get changed into my dog costume. So I did. Spot with Face Paint emerged from getting changed, and I got a very warm welcome. EVERYONE loved it :). I had all sorts of random comments said to me, but none were nasty.
After the dinner, the M.C. for the night even made reference to me: “If anyone feels obliged to, the dog may need to be taken for a walk so we don’t end up with an accident on the floor”
WOW is all I can say.
After everyone had left a few of us stayed on where the night became some what daft, and I was able to speak freely about me and Spot. The most relevant comment that came up was “You’d love everyone to know really, wouldn’t you?” The answer to that “YES!”. I even explained that if I could I would lifestyle myself to be a Dalmatian pup.
One things for sure, it’s strange talking to collegues about this, but I felt so warm and happy inside me the more they knew.
Again the night was somewhat a blur near the end, and again I hadn’t drunk alcohol since about 6pm when I had 2 bottles of Bud… the rest of the night I ran in my own world, adrenaline and pup life over rulling the need for drink. We left at about 2am, when home I was so tired I didn’t get changed or remove the face-paint … I just curled up and went to sleep. A really content, happy pup. In the morning I was still just as happy but new I had to re-join the human race. so after a shower, normal life was resumed
A serious moment here: I have found over the years of being a pup that I can seperate the fetish pup of home life and the public front pup. At home I live pup life to the full when I can, out in public I live a pup life but I am able to become more of a performer/ someone wearing a costume for fun to the public eye… inside me though I’m living my ideal dream: being a Dalamtian pup
*wags tail*, *daydreaming pup*
MANY MANY thanks to all for the Fantastic weekend, I really cannot thank you all enough. Hopefully one-day we can all do it again.